".......but often lifters do not lower the bar properly after they finish the
lift. Do not just drop the weight or allow the back to round as your
lower the bar, but keep your back in a neutral position and......"
Quelle: http://www.poliquingroup.com/Tips/tabid/130/EntryId/2175/Lower-a-Deadlift-Under-Control.aspx
Jörg Linder - Master of Arts in Gesundheitsmanagement und Prävention - Ihr Personal Trainer für Baden-Baden, Karlsruhe, Pforzheim, Ortenau, Nordschwarzwald.
Mauerbergstraße 110
76534 Baden-Baden
Tel.: 07223 / 8004699
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Mail: info@aktiv-training.de
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Ich bin dann mal fit: www.ich-bin-dann-mal-fit.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joerglinderaktivtraining
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Aktiv-Training: www.aktiv-training.de
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